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Chat Recap - Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Health

00:17:00 Robin Harper: Hi, Dr. Novak!
00:19:22 Saly Ortiz Vicente: Hi everyone! happy to be here! Let’s connect
00:19:32 Chloe Irons: Lets go!
00:19:33 Brenda Norton: Let’s go!
00:19:34 Robin Harper: Let’s Go!
00:19:35 Cynthia Balich: Let’s go!
00:19:35 Saly Ortiz Vicente: let’s goo!
00:19:36 Marie Stehmer: hi everyone!
00:19:41 BRIEANNE HILL: Let’s Go!
00:21:42 Lotus Buckner: Welcome, Everyone! Thank you for joining us today for this Real People Real Talk virtual roundtable on Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Health. Please join in on the conversation using this Chat feature. We have three rules 1) Be respectful and open-minded regardless of your perspectives and opinions as we are all here to learn AND unlearn, 2) Be unapologetically candid because if we’re going to meet our goal of learning and unlearning, we need to have real, authentic conversations, and 3) Have fun and let your passion on this topic spill out; it’s a safe space.

Please follow Lotus and LB Talent Solutions on social media to get notices of future events and engage with this great community: @lotusbuckner on Instagram and Twitter, LB Talent Solutions on LinkedIn and Facebook.
00:21:56 Lotus Buckner: Please introduce yourselves – your name, where you’re joining us from and why you’re interested in continuing these critical conversations.
00:23:43 Eve Runnels: Mention this webinar so I know who you are
00:23:50 Saly Ortiz Vicente: Saly Ortiz from Chicago.
00:25:35 JR Penera: JR Penera Northwest Chicagoland | Independent Business Owner & Business Development Rep at HealthCare Associates Credit Union
00:26:56 Lotus Buckner: What have you all seen as it relates to mental health during this pandemic? Are your workplaces doing anything around this?
00:28:10 Brenda Norton: Brenda Norton HR Executive from Omaha, Nebraska
00:28:32 Cynthia Balich: Cynthia Balich, Learning & Development Specialist at SMS Assist in Chicago.
00:29:51 Julie Sowash: Happy to be here and connect with you all.
00:30:50 BRIEANNE HILL: Brieanne Hill, CT
00:31:09 Pam Kroeber: Hello Everyone! Pam Kroeber from Mystic, CT. I’m a corporate human resources and talent acquisition professional. Happy to connect! /
00:31:27 BRIEANNE HILL: Brieanne Hill, CT – Program Manager, Ability Beyond
00:33:50 Eve Runnels: Eve Runnels – I suffer from anxiety. I am a senior instructional designer in Chicago, My illness isn’t visible.
00:34:09 Eve Runnels: I am so sorry Morgan. That it awful!
00:34:34 Julie Sowash: @Eve – Thank you for sharing! I really appreciate it!
00:34:44 Eve Runnels:
00:35:54 Eve Runnels: I was a victim of a crime too. I still suffer from the experience. I was involved in a robbery. A gun was put in my face. I can’t go to a 711 or small store without experiencing anxiety.
00:37:10 Cynthia Balich: Yes! sending love Morgan. I have been working through C-PTSD for the last several years and it is so frustrating when that trauma hijacks your brain and you don’t know how to get back to the present and feel safe.
00:37:50 Lotus Buckner: Eve, thank you so much for sharing. I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you.
00:38:09 Lotus Buckner: Cynthia, thank you!!
00:40:03 Eve Runnels: In the program, This is Us. Randall wants to change his therapist to a black person from his white therapist.
00:42:06 Satarupa Bose: Satarupa here from the San Francisco bay area. I am Lotus’s classmate from the Gies college of business. I work in the tech section and I think burnout is getting worse with the remote work situation due to the pandemic
00:43:47 Eve Runnels: People who don’t understand anxiety, now understand with this pandemic. They are feeling anxiety every day.
00:44:22 Lotus Buckner: The need to virtual visits has definitely been interesting.
00:44:29 Cynthia Balich: I have had friends find success looking for a therapist they feel more comfortable with at
00:46:02 Rebecca Edwards: Hi everyone. I recently published an article in Forbes about the current state of mental health and how Human Resources can help. Please take a look here:
00:46:04 Rebecca Edwards:
00:47:59 Ann Erickson: As mentioned earlier, behaviors in the workplace can get our attention while others do not. As an HR professional, I am concerned about missing the cues, experiences and the behavior that we might not be seeing/hearing, particularly with healthcare workers and remote workers.
00:48:27 Rebecca Edwards: Good point Julie. It’s finally “real” for those who didn’t acknowledge mental health as a real concern previously.
00:48:55 Lotus Buckner: Ann, I agree! I think about that a lot too.
00:50:55 Rebecca Edwards: As a parent of a child with “invisible” special needs – it’s very similar. While people empathize with visible physical special needs, people tend to turn away or don’t try to learn more about mental health needs like severe autism because it’s unknown.
00:51:52 Lotus Buckner: Great point Rebecca!
00:51:59 Julie Sowash: Yes, Rebecca I agree wholeheartedly.
00:52:17 Lotus Buckner: By the way, can we all give Josh a huge shoutout and thank him for his service?! Thank you, Josh!!!
00:52:22 Lena Phelps:
00:52:43 Lena Phelps: just a resource for everyone.. if you are interested in taking Mental Health First Aid course.. like CPR but for mental health 🙂
00:52:53 Pam Kroeber: Thank you so much for your service Josh!
00:52:57 Julie Sowash: Thank you for your service, Josh.
00:53:06 Morgan Williams: Thank you for your service Josh!
00:53:41 Eve Runnels: Josh, we appreciate your sacrifice
00:53:51 Lotus Buckner: Yes, a small but an impactful way to make a difference – check in on people.
00:54:02 Julie Sowash: We offer mental health first aid and I absolutely agree, Lena – it is a core HR and Leadership skill, in my opinion. Thank you for sharing!
00:55:21 Lotus Buckner: Love that documentary, Morgan!
00:56:41 Rebecca Edwards: Yes Lena, that is a great course! I offered it at my last organization to all staff periodically. We received great feedback on it.
00:57:33 Rebecca Edwards: Yes NAMI is great. They have both family and teen support groups every week. It’s wonderful.
01:05:21 Lotus Buckner: So simple but so powerful – round on your staff.
01:05:58 Ann Erickson: Joe would check in with us in HR and other leaders to open doors about our concerns and stress.
01:06:22 Lotus Buckner: If anyone has questions, feel free to drop them in here. Otherwise, you can also ask them we we unmute everyone.
01:08:37 Rebecca Edwards: I hate to leave because this is such an important conversation. But I have another meeting. Please feel free to connect with me via LinkedIn as I am trying to spread the word about mental health awareness in workplaces. LinkedIn: RebeccaEdwardsSPHR
01:08:43 Rebecca Edwards: Thanks Lotus!
01:08:53 Lena Phelps: awesome examples Josh
01:09:11 Satarupa Bose: @Joe, are you familiar with wellness programs like Arianna Huffingtons’ Thrive Global? Are they effective?
01:12:31 Pam Kroeber: Great points Julie
01:14:41 Satarupa Bose:
01:15:14 Ann Erickson: Thank you for the resources and dialogue!
01:15:40 Saly Ortiz Vicente: thank you for taking the time to talk about such an important topic
01:15:58 Tom Lundby: Thanks so much for all the resources! This will be very helpful for these COVID times.
01:16:00 Lena Phelps: thank you for hosting this event Lotus, and thanks to the panelists! This was a great discussion. Stay well everyone!
01:16:06 Cynthia Balich: Thanks Lotus! This has been a helpful chat! Looking forward to joining future sessions.
01:16:22 Valerio: Thank you!!
01:16:23 Pam Kroeber: Thank you all so much! Stay safe and well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.
01:16:40 Eve Runnels: I would love to participate again!
01:16:47 Cynthia Balich: Already registered!
01:16:49 Scott Rencher: This was great, thanks Lotus and all the participants!
01:17:04 Tom Lundby: Yeah, thanks for doing this Lotus! Appreciate having these events.
01:18:32 Lotus Buckner: Thank you all for joining us today! Don’t forget to REGISTER NOW for our December 18’s event on Tackling Systematic Racism:

Follow me and LB Talent Solutions on social media to continue the conversation and get notified of future events: @lotusbuckner on Instagram and Twitter; LB Talent Solutions on LinkedIn and Facebook.
01:20:33 Satarupa Bose: Thanks for the great interactive discussion everyone!
01:21:06 Meghan Beaupre: Thank you to all the panelists and everyone who shared – very important, personal topic. Very grateful to you all!
01:24:22 Lotus Buckner: Great question, Thomas!
01:24:46 Satarupa Bose: For those of you who are counselors – are graduating college students feeling greater levels of anxiety because of job offers being rescinded and graduating into this economic climate?
01:25:53 Pam Kroeber: Julie – did you get your anxiety under control with CBT training?
01:27:18 Julie Sowash: @pam – that was a critical part of it, yes, still is. I also had undiagnosed ADD so when I got on the right combo of medicines to treat that, the medicine and CBT for finally broke through.
01:27:30 Pam Kroeber: A toxic work environment that is creating severe anxiety, it could lead to a panic attack which will only make you feel worse
01:28:00 Pam Kroeber: Thank you for sharing Julie. I have just started CBT Training
01:28:05 Julie Sowash: It was amazing that I wasn’t managing one part of my brain and when that finally got managed it was a game changer.
01:29:21 Pam Kroeber: @Julie – That’s wonderful. So glad you are feeling better. I am hopeful for the same soon.
01:30:22 Julie Sowash: I hope you will, too, Pam! Remember it is a journey. 🙂
01:30:53 Pam Kroeber: Thank you. It sure is 🙂
01:34:26 Pam Kroeber: This was wonderful, especially for those of us in HR
01:34:32 Brenda Norton: Thanks to all~

LB Talent solutions

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